14 January 2011


So much to think about when you are sixteen. There's a high level of stress in the home this week - my sixteen year olds have exams...real ones..not mocks but proper this will set the background for the rest of my life type exams. Not only is there much swatting and stressing but there are open evenings to be attended for sixth form schools. There are prospectus' to be handed out with squeaky clean, blonde, happy teenagers adorning the covers, there are headteachers to be listened to and  there are thai fish cakes to be eaten in the cookery department.

We attended first open evening yesterday....arriving a little late so there was no room to sit down in hall jam packed with eager parents and budding offspring. Managed to find discreet standing space to listen to nice headteacher whose job it  was to ' big up' his school  - and boy did he big it up - honestly even I want to go there and it's been a long time since I was sixteen. It sounded amazing.....right up there in the Guardian league tables, well spoken year twelves telling us what a fab school it was and extra curriculars to die for. Twin one must have had calf ache from too high heeled boots she was sporting whilst twin two kept whispering between gritted teeth "It sounds very academic" which in her world is not a good thing but even she was won over once she had visited the amazing art and textile department.

And if that wasnt enough to be thinking about then there is the current preoccupation with dresses for school prom to be sorted. Seriously isn't May ages away? I took both girls to local dress shop called "me, me, me" which sells pretty glamorous evening dresses and which , very conveniently, had a sale on. India was like a child in a sweet shop... tried on lots of dresses and found 'the one' but Jade could not be swayed by the ease of shop on our doorstep with sale items.... no, she has a goal and that goal is Kiera Knightly's emerald dress in "Atonement". I'm making enquiries, I'm looking at american websites that do knock off oscar dresses and so far I'm not coming up with the goods.......


  1. Ha! I too have a Jade who is 16! She started art college this year. She would also do the same sort of thing with the dress, I'm feeling your pain ;D Hope you had some luck finding something! x

  2. So far no good but I have time on my side - have found a copy which is not too expensive but it looks synthetic so holding out for some natural fibres:)
