12 April 2012


It was my birthday not long ago so we went punting in Oxford..hilarious and stressful when the pole got stuck and we drifted off poleless...luckily there is a small oar on board:)


  1. Oh you are beautiful Lisa. I see where your children get their good looks! Happy birthday!

    I'm so happy there was an oar, and that it made for some laughs despite the stressful situation. It sounds like such an interesting story especially with that big beautiful smile of yours.

    Sending love and wishes for a wonderful year ahead my friend xx

  2. Thank you Tash...but I'm not going to lie I would rather be 38! Sending love and positive thoughts your way:)xxx

  3. happy birthday, lisa...here's to a wonderful year!...and so i don't flood you with comments, your photos in the woods are lovely too!

  4. Thanks Jen..will try and make my year a more creative one:)
